So, I bought Reeboks 25th anniversary series tennis shoes today and I just can't wait to sport them... I've always enjoyed tennis shoes, however not to the extreme of becoming a collector. In my youth, my mother would give me and my brother each a $100.00 bill (maybe bi-monthly) and she'd allow us to buy whatever. Not having a job at the time, and being given such a large amount of cash (then), I'd have the capability of buying almost anything I wanted! Instead of saving the money or using it to buy clothes, cd's, makeup...etc... I'd blow it on funky/weird/loud tennis shoes! Several times I went to Joe Brand or Dillards and bought the weirdest shoes I could find. Of coarse being that I bought them at either store, I'd end up spending the entire amount on one pair. Now that I make my own money and pay more bills, I'm more wise about how often I buy and spend on these types of shoes, but I'd say I have at least 12 pairs of them. I usually wear my funky stuff to work where I get numerous compliments from co-workers and customers---I guess I like the attention.
In consistency with my intention, here's a couple of cool worthwhile shows next weekend...
Fri. 05/30
The Black Angels @ Emo's
Grupo Fantasma @ Mohawk
The Archibalds @ The Parlor
Big Head Todd and the Monsters @ Stubbs
Sat. 05/31
Car Stereo Wars @ Beauty Bar
Prayer for Animals @ Trophy's
Sun. 06/01
Centro-matic @ End of an Ear (free)
Dresdan Dolls @ Stubbs